We arrived at the Stadtwirtschaft in September 2024, 9 months after our move. We are currently still building our premises and basic infrastructure and are therefore unable to offer an open workshop. Visit our homepage regularly to find out the latest news from us. You still want to visit us? You're welcome! There is a public tour on the first Wednesday of every month. Otherwise, you can also contact us by e-mail or request an appointment.

Important information about the web services of Stadtfabrikanten e.V.

By Benjamin Schürer, 6 November, 2023

Dear members and guests of Stadtfabrikanten e.V. and FabLab Chemnitz,
On 05.11.2023 there was a ransomware attack on our in-house server infrastructure.
As a result, one of our servers was completely cryptographically encrypted and we received an extortionate request for payment. In addition, data from the encrypted server was siphoned off. We are currently trying to find out to what extent personal data of our members has been stolen and will inform those affected as soon as possible.
Charges will be filed against persons unknown.

The Executive Board
