We are the Stadtfabrikanten e.V. - active and lively on the Sonnenberg for many years, founded in 2016 - with several years of preparatory work up to the founding of the association and recognition as a non-profit organization.
According to its statutes, our organization promotes art, culture, education and youth work. We achieve this through our own events or joint activities with cooperation and collaboration partners. These include creative projects, small local technical innovations, experiments, fairs, exhibitions, workshops and courses, festivals and other facets of a wide range of categories grouped under the abbreviated term "STEAM" (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics).

Who we are
Our members come from very different backgrounds in terms of their education, age and social structures. As an association, we see ourselves as a kind of infrastructure provider and a living, democratic network. With our project FabLab Chemnitz, we offer an open and established platform and stage that enables a creative exchange of ideas and promotes the implementation of the resulting ideas. And this is also reflected in the way we work: many are or have been self-employed in their lives, freelancing as sole traders, small businesses or artists, for example. This is not subject to any fixed structure and is always an exciting environment. This also means that you are the association! Because in the end, what moves our community is what brings the different currents together on an equal footing in terms of their perspectives, knowledge and practical experience - for example in the open workshop, in the chat or at joint happenings such as the MakerFaires, which we attend, among other things.
Our association in facts and numbers (as at 18.02.2024)
on 13.01.2016
44 registered members
of which on the
Management Board
3 Ordinary
2 Extraordinary
2 of them are
supporting members
Distributed to
6 Women
38 Men
Youngest member
23 years
Oldest member
84 years
Average age
43 years (most of them
between 30 and 50)
Promoting: art, culture, education and vocational training, youth and student aid
Initiative on the Sonnenberg
363 m² area
with 7 workshop areas
Almost all members
from Chemnitz
On this page you will find information about our association and its origins. We also have a list of press articles. We are always trying to reappraise our history and reexplore our roots. The origins of Stadtfabrikanten e.V. and FabLab Chemnitz have a long and sometimes complicated history, as the process of finding the right people was anything but "straight forward". This chronicle attempts to unravel this and present it in chronological order.